All Systems Operational
A360 ? Operational
A360 Mobile ? Operational
AutoCAD Online Services ? Operational
AutoCAD Web ? Operational
Autodesk App Store ? Operational
Autodesk Business Systems ? Operational
Autodesk Construction Cloud Platform Operational
ACC Admin Console ? Operational
ACC Admin Console (Australia) ? Operational
ACC Admin Console (European Union) ? Operational
ACC AutoSpecs ? Operational
ACC Cost Management ? Operational
ACC Cost Management (Australia) ? Operational
ACC Cost Management (European Union) ? Operational
ACC Insight Operational
ACC Insight (Australia) ? Operational
ACC Insight (European Union) Operational
ACC My Home ? Operational
ACC My Home (Australia) ? Operational
ACC My Home (European Union) ? Operational
ACC Reports ? Operational
ACC Reports (Australia) ? Operational
ACC Reports (European Union) ? Operational
ACC Specifications ? Operational
Autodesk BIM Collaborate ? Operational
Autodesk BIM Collaborate (Australia) ? Operational
Autodesk BIM Collaborate (European Union) ? Operational
Autodesk Build ? Operational
Autodesk Build (Australia) ? Operational
Autodesk Build (European Union) ? Operational
Autodesk Construction Cloud Data Connector ? Operational
Autodesk Construction Cloud Data Connector (Australia) ? Operational
Autodesk Construction Cloud Data Connector (European Union) ? Operational
Autodesk Docs ? Operational
Autodesk Docs (Australia) ? Operational
Autodesk Docs (European Union) ? Operational
Autodesk Takeoff ? Operational
Autodesk Takeoff (Australia) ? Operational
Autodesk Takeoff (European Union) ? Operational
BuildingConnected ? Operational
ProEst Operational
TradeTapp ? Operational
Autodesk Docs for Government ? Operational
Autodesk Drive ? Operational
Autodesk Insight ? Operational
Autodesk Parameters Service ? Operational
Autodesk Parameters Service (Australia) ? Operational
Autodesk Parameters Service (European Union) ? Operational
Autodesk Platform Services Operational
APS - Data Exchange ? Operational
APS - Data Management ? Operational
APS - Data Management (Australia) ? Operational
APS - Design Automation ? Operational
APS - Developer Portal ? Operational
APS - Flow Graph Engine API Operational
APS - Manufacturing Data Model ? Operational
APS - Model Derivative ? Operational
APS - Webhooks ? Operational
Autodesk Tandem™ ? Operational
BIM 360 Operational
BIM 360 Account Administration ? Operational
BIM 360 Account Administration (European Union) ? Operational
BIM 360 Cost Management ? Operational
BIM 360 Cost Management (European Union) ? Operational
BIM 360 Design Collaboration ? Operational
BIM 360 Design Collaboration (European Union) ? Operational
BIM 360 Docs ? Operational
BIM 360 Docs (European Union) ? Operational
BIM 360 Field ? Operational
BIM 360 Field (European Union) ? Operational
BIM 360 Field Management ? Operational
BIM 360 Field Management (European Union) ? Operational
BIM 360 Glue ? Operational
BIM 360 Glue (European Union) ? Operational
BIM 360 Insight ? Operational
BIM 360 Insight (European Union) ? Operational
BIM 360 Model Coordination ? Operational
BIM 360 Model Coordination (European Union) ? Operational
BIM 360 Ops ? Operational
BIM 360 Plan ? Operational
BIM 360 Project Home ? Operational
BIM 360 Project Home (European Union) ? Operational
BIM 360 Project Management ? Operational
BIM 360 Project Management (European Union) ? Operational
BIM 360 Reports ? Operational
BIM 360 Reports (European Union) ? Operational
BIM 360 Team Mobile ? Operational
BIM Collaborate Pro for Government ? Operational
CER v2 Services ? Operational
CFD Cloud Service ? Operational
Character Generator ? Operational
Civil 3D Online Services ? Operational
Cloud Rendering ? Operational
Collaboration for AutoCAD Plant 3D ? Operational
Collaboration for AutoCAD Plant 3D (Australia) ? Operational
Collaboration for AutoCAD Plant 3D (European Union) ? Operational
Digital Workplace ? Operational
Dynamo Machine Learning ? Operational
Dynamo Package Manager ? Operational
Factory Design Warehouse ? Operational
Flow Generative Scheduling Operational
FormIt ? Operational
Fusion ? Operational
Fusion Online ? Operational
Fusion Manage ? Operational
Fusion Mobile ? Operational
Fusion Operations ? Operational
Fusion Team ? Operational
Generative Design ? Operational
Informed Design for Inventor ? Operational
Informed Design for Revit ? Operational
Informed Design Web App ? Operational
InfraWorks ? Operational
Instructables ? Operational ? Operational
Identity, Licensing & Entitlement ? Operational
MEP Content Editor Operational
Moldflow Cloud Service Operational
My Profile and Settings ? Operational
PlanGrid Operational
PlanGrid ? Operational
PlanGrid Admin Console ? Operational
Plant Collaboration Services (based on BIM 360 Team) ? Operational
Pype Operational
Pype AutoSpecs ? Operational
Pype Closeout ? Operational
Pype eBinder ? Operational
Pype SmartPlans ? Operational
ReCap Services ? Operational
Revit Cloud Model Upgrade ? Operational
Revit Cloud Worksharing / Cloud Models ? Operational
Revit Cloud Worksharing / Cloud Models (Australia) ? Operational
Revit Cloud Worksharing / Cloud Models (European Union) ? Operational
Tinkercad ? Operational
Upchain ? Operational
Vault Gateway ? Operational
Degraded Performance
Partial Outage
Major Outage
Scheduled Maintenance
Fusion Manage Feb 8, 2025 08:00-11:00 PST
Autodesk will perform scheduled maintenance for Fusion Manage and Classifications on February 8, 2025 from 08:00 AM PST until 11:00 AM PST to improve platform resiliency. During this time Fusion Manage and Classifications will be unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Posted on Jan 23, 2025 - 14:08 PST Feb 8, 2025 18:00-20:00 PST
Autodesk will perform scheduled maintenance for on February 8, 2025 from 6:00 PM PST until 8:00 PM PST to perform an upgrade. During this time may be unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time.
Posted on Jan 22, 2025 - 13:54 PST
APS - Developer Portal Feb 15, 2025 11:00 - Feb 16, 2025 12:00 PST
Autodesk will perform scheduled maintenance for APS - Developer Portal on February 15, 2025 from 11:00 AM PST until February 16, 12:00 PM PST to release a major feature to enhance customers' experience with the Developer Portal. During this time, customers may notice widespread changes or temporary disruptions to current workflows. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Posted on Feb 03, 2025 - 06:36 PST
AutoCAD Online Services Feb 15, 2025 17:00-20:00 PST
Autodesk will perform scheduled maintenance for AutoCAD Online Services on February 15, 2025 from 05:00 PM PST until 08:00 PM PST. During this time AutoCAD Online Services may be unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Posted on Jan 27, 2025 - 06:59 PST
AutoCAD Web Feb 15, 2025 17:00-20:00 PST
Autodesk will perform scheduled maintenance for AutoCAD Web on February 15, 2025 from 5:00 PM PST until 8:00 PM PST to improve system performance. During this time all workflows will be unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time.
Posted on Jan 17, 2025 - 18:41 PST
Autodesk will perform scheduled maintenance for ACC Data Connector on Saturday, February 22, 2025, from 08:00 AM PST until 10:00 AM PST. During this time, the ACC Data Connector API will be available, but some jobs may process more slowly than expected. However, users will be able to download existing jobs, as well as create new requests. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time.
Posted on Feb 03, 2025 - 14:20 PST
Autodesk will perform scheduled maintenance for Autodesk Build on February 22, 2025 from 09:00 AM PST until 12:00 PM PST for the US, Australia, and European Union regions to improve platform resiliency. During this time, Build Project Home's Project progress card will be in read-only mode and customers will be unable to create or edit new milestones. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time.
Posted on Feb 06, 2025 - 14:50 PST
Identity Service Feb 22, 2025 23:00 - Feb 23, 2025 01:00 PST
Autodesk will perform scheduled maintenance for the Identity Service on February 22, 2025, from 11:00 PM until 01:00 AM PST to improve platform resiliency. During this time BIM Collaborate Pro for Government & Autodesk Docs for Government will be unavailable. Customers who are already logged in will be unaffected. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time.
Posted on Feb 06, 2025 - 13:48 PST
BIM 360 Plan Feb 23, 2025 01:00-02:00 PST
Autodesk will perform scheduled maintenance for BIM 360 Plan on February 23, 2025, from 01:00 AM PST until 02:00 AM PST to improve platform resiliency. During this time BIM 360 Plan will be unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time.
Posted on Feb 05, 2025 - 09:43 PST
Past Incidents
Feb 7, 2025

No incidents reported today.

Feb 6, 2025
Resolved - The issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this issue.
Feb 6, 20:17 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate where customers are unable to view prices and purchase certain products in the Autodesk Online store in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Dominican Republic. We will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Feb 6, 19:42 PST
Investigating - We are investigating an issue where customers are unable to view prices and purchase certain products in the Autodesk Online store in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Dominican Republic. We are actively looking into this and we will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Feb 6, 18:52 PST
Resolved - The issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this issue.
Feb 6, 09:21 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate reports of customers experiencing an issue with Revit Cloud Worksharing / Cloud Models being unavailable in the US Region. Customers may be experiencing errors or slow performance while accessing their Hubs, Projects, and folders from Revit Cloud Worksharing / Cloud Models. As a result, they may also be unable to perform worksharing workflows on their data. We are actively looking into this and we will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Feb 6, 08:48 PST
Investigating - We are investigating reports of customers experiencing an issue with Revit Cloud Worksharing / Cloud Models being unavailable in the US Region. Customers may be experiencing errors or slow performance while accessing their Hubs, Projects, and folders from Revit Cloud Worksharing / Cloud Models. As a result, they may also be unable to perform worksharing workflows on their data. We are actively looking into this and we will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Feb 6, 07:49 PST
Resolved - The issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this issue.
Feb 6, 09:07 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate an issue where customers are unable to retrieve data in Autodesk Docs in the US region.. We will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Feb 6, 08:53 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate an issue where customers are unable to retrieve data in Autodesk Docs in the US region. We will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Feb 6, 07:48 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate an issue where customers are unable to retrieve data in Autodesk Docs in the US region. We will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Feb 6, 06:54 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate an issue where customers are unable to retrieve data in Autodesk Docs in the US region. We will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Feb 6, 05:49 PST
Investigating - We are investigating an issue where customers are unable to retrieve data in Autodesk Docs in the US region. We are actively looking into this and we will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Feb 6, 04:53 PST
Feb 5, 2025
Resolved - The issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this issue.
Feb 5, 23:30 PST
Investigating - We are investigating an issue where customers are experiencing latency while accessing the ACS forms within Autodesk Build in the European Union region. We are actively looking into this and we will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Feb 5, 22:35 PST
Feb 4, 2025
Resolved - The issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this issue.
Feb 4, 13:37 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate reports of educational customers experiencing issues viewing their products and services despite having active subscriptions. We will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Feb 4, 12:46 PST
Investigating - We are investigating reports of customers experiencing inability while viewing their products and services despite their product having active Subscription. We are actively looking into this and we will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Feb 4, 11:47 PST
Feb 3, 2025
Resolved - The issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this issue.
Feb 3, 15:19 PST
Investigating - We are investigating an issue where customers are unable to access AEC Data Model API in the European Union region. We are actively looking into this, and we will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Feb 3, 15:05 PST
Feb 2, 2025

No incidents reported.

Feb 1, 2025
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 1, 20:00 PST
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 1, 18:00 PST
Scheduled - Autodesk will perform urgent maintenance for the Identity Service on February 1st, 2025 from 06:00 PM until 08:00 PM PST to improve platform resiliency. During this time BIM Collaborate Pro for Government & Autodesk Docs for Government products will be unavailable. Customers who are already logged in will be unaffected. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time.
Jan 30, 06:59 PST
Jan 31, 2025

No incidents reported.

Jan 30, 2025
Resolved - On January 30, 2025 at 9:00 PM PST, Autodesk identified an issue where customers experienced an issue while downloading the files on multiple Autodesk products. Once the issue was resolved on January 30, 2025 at 9:20 PM PST, all products returned to normal operation. This is a retroactive notification as this issue did not display on the Autodesk Health Dashboard at that time. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Jan 30, 22:13 PST
Resolved - The issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this issue.
Jan 30, 03:49 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate a service disruption caused by a third-party service provider where customers are unable to connect with the Autodesk sales and support team for their scheduled appointments using the 'Schedule a call' feature on This issue is only affecting calls that need to be rescheduled from January 28th onwards. We will provide an update within 3 hours or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 30, 00:53 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate an issue where customers are unable to connect with the Autodesk sales and support team for their scheduled appointments using the 'Schedule a call' feature on This issue is only affecting calls that need to be rescheduled from January 28th onwards. We will provide an update within 90 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 30, 00:03 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate a service disruption caused by a third-party service provider where customers are unable to connect with the Autodesk sales and support team for their scheduled appointments using the 'Schedule a call' feature on This issue is only affecting calls that need to be rescheduled from January 28th onwards. We will provide an update within 6 hours or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 29, 18:33 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate an issue where customers are unable to connect with the Autodesk sales and support team for their scheduled appointments using the 'Schedule a call' feature on This issue is only affecting calls that need to be rescheduled from January 28th onwards. We will provide an update within 3 hours or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 29, 15:37 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate an issue where customers are unable to connect with the Autodesk sales and support team for their scheduled appointments using the 'Schedule a call' feature on This issue is only affecting calls that need to be rescheduled from January 28th onwards. We will provide an update within 90 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 29, 14:09 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate an issue where customers are unable to connect with the Autodesk sales and support team for their scheduled appointments using the 'Schedule a call' feature on This issue is only affecting calls that need to be rescheduled from January 28th onwards. We will provide an update within 90 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 29, 12:38 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate an issue where customers are unable to connect with the Autodesk sales and support team for their scheduled appointments using the 'Schedule a call' feature on This issue is only affecting calls that need to be rescheduled from January 28th onwards. We will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 29, 11:46 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate an issue where customers are unable to connect with the Autodesk sales and support team for their scheduled appointments using the 'Schedule a call' feature on This issue is only affecting calls that need to be rescheduled from January 28th onwards. We will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 29, 10:46 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate an issue where customers are unable to connect with the Autodesk sales and support team for their scheduled appointments using the 'Schedule a call' feature on This issue is only affecting calls that need to be rescheduled from January 28th onwards. We will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 29, 09:48 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate an issue where customers are unable to connect with the Autodesk sales and support team for their scheduled appointments using the 'Schedule a call' feature on This issue is only affecting calls that need to be rescheduled from January 28th onwards. We will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 29, 08:47 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate an issue where customers are unable to connect with the Autodesk sales and support team for their scheduled appointments using the 'Schedule a call' feature on This issue is only affecting calls that need to be rescheduled from January 28th onwards. We will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 29, 07:25 PST
Investigating - We are investigating an issue where customers are unable to contact the Autodesk sales and support team for the scheduled appointment using the 'Schedule a call' feature via We are actively looking into this and we will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 29, 06:45 PST
Jan 29, 2025
Jan 28, 2025
Resolved - The issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this issue.
Jan 28, 09:23 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate an issue where customers are unable to submit analysis in Autodesk Insight. We will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 28, 08:17 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate an issue where customers are unable to submit analysis in Autodesk Insight. We will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 28, 07:18 PST
Investigating - We are investigating an issue where customers are unable to trigger analysis using Autodesk Insight. We are actively looking into this and we will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 28, 06:19 PST
Jan 27, 2025
Resolved - The issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this issue.
Jan 27, 13:25 PST
Update - We are investigating reports of customers experiencing latency while accessing the project tab, and features in Building Connected and when filtering for invites in TradeTapp in the US region. We are actively looking into this and we will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 27, 12:28 PST
Update - We are investigating reports of customers experiencing latency while accessing the project tab, and features in Building Connected and when filtering for invites in TradeTapp in the US region. We are actively looking into this and we will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 27, 11:32 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate reports of customers experiencing latency while accessing the project tab and features in BuildingConnected in the US region. We have subsequently determined that this issue is also affecting filtering for invites in TradeTapp in the US region. We will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 27, 10:36 PST
Investigating - We are investigating reports of customers experiencing latency while accessing the project tab and features in Building Connected in the US region. We are actively looking into this and we will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 27, 10:12 PST
Jan 26, 2025

No incidents reported.

Jan 25, 2025
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Jan 25, 23:59 PST
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jan 25, 22:00 PST
Update - The scheduled maintenance for Identity, Licensing & Entitlement on January 25, 2025 has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date. Thank you.
Jan 23, 01:26 PST
Scheduled - Autodesk will perform scheduled maintenance for the Identity Service on January 25th, 2025, from 10:00 PM to 11:59 PM PST to enhance platform resiliency. During this period, we do not anticipate any impact to users. However, in the event of unforeseen issues, users may experience errors with product log in, new user account registration, password features, email verification, account deletion, and user profile functions. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
Jan 13, 07:48 PST
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Jan 25, 16:01 PST
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jan 25, 08:01 PST
Update - Autodesk will perform scheduled maintenance for the Issues, Location, RFIs, Schedule, Workflows and Correspondence tools on January 25, 2025 from 8:00 AM PST until 4:00 PM PST for all regions to perform a database update. During this time the Issues, Location, RFIs, Schedule, Workflows and Correspondence tools will be unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time.
Jan 25, 08:00 PST
Scheduled - Autodesk will perform scheduled maintenance for the Issues, Location, RFIs, Schedule, Workflows and Correspondence tools on January 25, 2025 from 8:00 AM PST until 4:00 PM PST for all regions to perform a database update. During this time the Issues, Location, RFIs, Schedule, Workflows and Correspondence tools will be unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time.
Jan 6, 11:18 PST
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Jan 25, 16:00 PST
Update - Scheduled maintenance is still in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jan 25, 09:44 PST
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jan 25, 08:00 PST
Scheduled - Autodesk will perform scheduled maintenance for ACC Admin Console, ACC My Home, Autodesk Build, Autodesk Docs, Autodesk Takeoff, ACC Cost Management, PlanGrid, and Autodesk BIM Collaborate, on January 25, 2025, from 08:00 AM PST until 04:00 PM PST in all regions to improve platform resiliency. During this time ACC Admin Console, ACC My Home, Autodesk Build, Autodesk Docs, Autodesk Takeoff, ACC Cost Management, PlanGrid, and Autodesk BIM Collaborate will be unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Jan 8, 16:36 PST
Jan 24, 2025
Resolved - The issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this issue.
Jan 24, 04:17 PST
Update - We are continuing to investigate an issue where customers are unable to navigate around a model after creating an Issue in Autodesk Build and Autodesk Docs. We will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 24, 03:19 PST
Investigating - We are investigating an issue where customers are unable to navigate around a model after creating an Issue in Autodesk Build and Autodesk Docs. We are actively looking into this and we will provide an update within 60 minutes or sooner if we have more information to share.
Jan 24, 02:32 PST